viernes, 1 de junio de 2012


Es sabido que detrás de cada persona que aspira a realizar un triatlón Ironman hay una historia detrás. El caso de Marlies no es diferente, ella se propuso recaudar 12.000 € para Unicef y asi poder mandar niños a la escuela.
Os dejo su historia:
“El próximo 1 julio de 2012 participaré en Austria en el Ironman, un triatlón enl que para empezar se nadan 3,8 km, luego se recorren 180 km en bici y se acaba corriendo una maratón (42,1 km). La superación personal es uno de los objetivos que me mueven, pero no el único. Todo el esfuerzo y energía que estoy poniendo en este proyecto, quiero destinarlo a una buena causa y esta no es otra que el programa ING Chances for Children que desarrollamos junto a UNICEF.
Me he propuesto recaudar 12.000 euros con la ayuda de amigos, familia, compañeros de trabajo de los diferentes países donde he estado (Holanda, Canadá, España, Alemania…) y del Grupo; ING doblará las donaciones que consiga. Por eso, todos los que queráis colaborar con mi causa, podéis hacer una donación a la Cuenta de UNICEF-ING Chances For Children: 1465-0100-93-6000122707, indicando en el concepto “Ironman Marlies”.
Muchas gracias a todos!!!
3,8km swim,180km bike and 42,1km run; these are the distances to complete an Ironman……how many training hours do you think are needed to complete this? And what if you translated all these hours to money?  But money is not the right motivation to do these sort of things right? But what if you can use this money to help children from Zambia or Ethiopia to go to school???
My “Ironwish” to complete this event started when I commenced working for ING, one of the main sponsors of various running events all over the world. Completing the marathons of Amsterdam and New York made me longer for more. So why not adding some swimming and running to it.
Beside the sporty side, ING’s corporate culture that stimulates and inspires to bring together different cultures that create such a positive global work environment, with the main goal to give something back to the society, made me aware that I am very fortunate to be part of this and can help to make this small part even bigger.
I am convinced that my athletic quest, ING’s Chances for Children program and the Global Networks we all cover are the right ingredients to raise awareness and funds to provide an education to children in Zambia or Ethiopia.
So how can you contribute? For € 30 you can send one child to school in Ethiopia or Zambia during one year. The Ironman is not an easy goal my fundraising goal won´t be either. With your donations I want to send 400 children to school so they can learn the alphabet and start learning how to read, write and count. The more funds I raise the more ING will help too; they will double the amount!!
Please help me to raise the needed € 12.000 and make your donation now!

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